Trademark Form

Tell Us About Your Trademark

Please answer some brief questions in the Trademark Form below:

Request a Flat Rate Estimate to File Your Trademark Application
After submitting the form below, we will let you know if we can assist and, if so, the cost estimate for filing your trademark application.

Is the trademark owner an individual or company?*

Is the trademark owner an individual or company?*

The Applicant is the trademark owner.

Clear selection
Individual Applicant
Tell us about the individual who owns this trademark

Full Legal Name of Individual*

Full Legal Name of Individual*

Please type your legal name, including full first name and last name.

Clear selection



Clear selection

Residence Address (can be kept private)*

Residence Address (can be kept private)*

Please provide your residence address. If you wish to keep this private, please answer the next question to provide a different mailing address.

Clear selection

Mailing Address if different from residence address

Mailing Address if different from residence address

(if you wish to keep residence address private)

Clear selection



Clear selection
Company Information

Company Name*

Company Name*

Please be exact in company name, including any commas and periods

Clear selection

Type of corporate entity*

Type of corporate entity*

(e.g., corporation, limited liability company, etc.)

Clear selection

State of Incorporation (or Country of Incorporation if foreign entity)*

State of Incorporation (or Country of Incorporation if foreign entity)*

(e.g., corporation, limited liability company, etc.)

Clear selection

Name of Officer authorized to sign on behalf of the Company*

Name of Officer authorized to sign on behalf of the Company*

Provide full name of officer

Clear selection

Title of Officer authorized to sign on behalf of the Company*

Title of Officer authorized to sign on behalf of the Company*

Do not state "Owner" or "Founder." Please use an official corporate title.

Clear selection

Physical business address*

Physical business address*

No PO Box, mailing center or registered agent's address (this can be kept private if you have a separate mailing address)

Clear selection

Mailing Address if different from Physical business address

Mailing Address if different from Physical business address

(if you wish to keep physical business address private)

Clear selection

Email address of officer*

Email address of officer*

Clear selection

Email address of primary contact person*

Email address of primary contact person*

Clear selection
This is where we gather some information about the trademark you wish to register

What is your trademark?*

What is your trademark?*

Please identify your mark

Clear selection

As an alternative, please let us know if you have a second mark that is similar to your first mark

As an alternative, please let us know if you have a second mark that is similar to your first mark

Please identify a second mark that would be your second choice. Do not identify a completely new mark here. For a completely new mark, please complete and submit another Trademark Form.

Clear selection

Do you want to file for a word mark or design mark?*

Do you want to file for a word mark or design mark?*

Word mark covers the wording without regard to any design. If design mark, email a black-and-white JPG file to and omit any TM and circle R symbols.

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Design Mark
You can apply for a mark with stylized lettering, graphic design or any other design features. Please note that your usage must exactly match your design mark as shown in your trademark application.

Please email a black-and-white JPG or PDF file of your design mark to*

Please email a black-and-white JPG or PDF file of your design mark to*

Please omit any TM and circle R symbols

Clear selection
Filing Basis: Actual Use or Intent-To-Use (ITU)?
Have you already sold goods or services under this trademark?

Have you already sold goods or services under this mark?*

Have you already sold goods or services under this mark?*

Clear selection
Actual Use: Goods and/or Services
All goods and services are categorized under 45 different USPTO classes. Your trademark filing cost will be based on the number of classes of goods/services.

Please identify all goods and/or services currently being sold or provided under your trademark*

Please identify all goods and/or services currently being sold or provided under your trademark*

Make sure your identified goods have already been sold and shipped. For services, make sure that you have already provided such services in connection with the trademark.

Clear selection

What was the date you first sold or provided your goods or services under this trademark?*

What was the date you first sold or provided your goods or services under this trademark?*

Identify the date when your goods or services were first sold or provided showing the trademark.

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Intent-To-Use: Goods and/or Services
Here you will identify all goods and/or services you intend to sell under the trademark

Please identify all goods and/or services you intend to sell or provide under the trademark

Please identify all goods and/or services you intend to sell or provide under the trademark

Please note that you cannot add to this list after the application is filed. You can only delete items. Be realistic about what goods or services you genuinly intend to sell in the following year or so.

Clear selection

Do you understand that an ITU application will have a future cost for submitting evidence of use at $600/class?

Do you understand that an ITU application will have a future cost for submitting evidence of use at $600/class?

Clear selection
USPTO Knockout Search
For an additional fee, we can search live USPTO trademark registrations and applications for highly similar marks

Do you want us conduct a knockout search of your word mark at an additional cost of $650 per class?*

Do you want us conduct a knockout search of your word mark at an additional cost of $650 per class?*

For a word mark, we can conduct a textual search of the USPTO trademark database for highly similar trademarks which would present a high risk of rejection. Our firm does not do any visual searches (e.g., design marks, graphics, logos, etc.).

Clear selection
Innovation Capital Law Group
Ready to Slay Goliath?

What IP do you need?*

What IP do you need?*

(Check all that apply)

Your Name*

Your Name*

Your Email*

Your Email*

Your Phone Number

Your Phone Number

Design Patent Money-Back Guarantee
Get your design patent allowed or attorney's fees refunded. Call or email Vic to see if your design qualifies.

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