What is the probability of a trademark rejection or delay in a trademark application? According to the USPTO trademark dashboard, statistics show that about 43%…
What exactly is the applied-for mark in your trademark application or registration? One of the most common errors in a trademark application is a mismatch…
What is a final trademark rejection or Final Office Action? Known as a Final Office Action, a final trademark rejection is typically a second rejection…
What does confusable mean? To be registrable, a mark must not have a likelihood of confusion with any registered trademarks. In other words, an applied-for…
Same trademark, different country It is possible for others to register a US trademark in a foreign country. A US trademark registration does not block…
Isn’t a cheap provisional patent application better than nothing? Provisional patent applications serve a useful purpose. When written properly, a provisional application can provide valuable…
Before filing a US national stage patent application A PCT application provides several benefits beyond merely delaying the costs of filing individual national stage applications…
Has trademark examination become more inconsistent? Trademarks share a common feature with patents in that a trademark must be different in order to be registered.…
What is an invention funded by the federal government? Certain rules pertain to any private companies or persons seeking to patent a federal government funded…