Vic Lin

Merely Descriptive Trademark Refusal: How to Win the Mere Descriptiveness Argument

What is a merely descriptive mark? Your trademark application might get rejected for a number of reasons. Near the top of the list of possible…

Why Trademarks Matter to Amazon Sellers

Why do registered trademarks matter to Amazon sellers? Selling products through Amazon in the US can be lucrative if done wisely. One crucial factor in…

Who should sign trademark applications?

Who can sign trademark applications? It can be a bit tricky to determine who can sign trademark applications. Even if one can sign, should they?…

What is a trademark class of goods or services?

What is a USPTO Classification of Goods and Services? A trademark application cannot be filed without identifying specific goods or services. You cannot, for example,…

Can product design (shape) be trademarked or protected?

Can 3D product designs be trademarked? Trademarks are commonly known as names and logos. It may surprise you to learn that 3-dimensional product shapes (aka…

Patentable or Not? What can you patent?

Can you patent that? “Patentable?” This is one of the most common questions we get from new clients. The question may relate to whether their…

What is a Preliminary Amendment?

What is a Preliminary Amendment? A Preliminary Amendment is a submission filed prior to the issuance of an Office Action in a patent application. The…

How much is a flat rate trademark application?

What is a flat rate trademark application? Our firm offers fixed fees for filing trademark applications. A flat rate trademark application provides you with some…

China PCT Applicants: What to Know About US National Stage Entry

From China PCT to US national stage Chinese companies filing US national stage applications through their PCT applications need to be aware of a few…

How to Avoid a Delayed or Suspended Trademark Application

What is a suspended trademark application? Certain circumstances may require that the examination of a trademark application be put on hold. A suspended trademark application…

What is an After-Final Response?

What is an after-final response? An after-final response refers to a reply to a Final Office Action that is filed without a Request for Continued…

How to Defend a Trademark Opposition

How to defend your trademark A trademark opposition is essentially a battle to block the registration of a trademark. If your trademark application had been…

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