Is my patent application being rejected? If a patent examiner thinks that the pending claims in a patent application are directed to more than one invention,…
Reasons for Filing a Continuing Application A continuing application is basically a child patent application that must be filed while the parent patent application is…
What are some Intent-To-Use trademark application problems? Intent-To-Use trademark applications are great. You get to file an application to register a trademark that you have…
Trademark with non-English wording or non-Latin characters Can you register a trademark with foreign characters? A US trademark application for foreign wording must contain an…
Duty to Disclose Known Information Material to Patentability U.S. patent law places an obligation on applicants to notify the USPTO of known information that is…
What is the deadline for filing a certified foreign priority document in a utility patent application? Under the new AIA rules for US utility applications…
Can you file a design patent application after filing a utility patent application? Suppose you started with filing a utility nonprovisional patent application. After a…
Petition to Make Special Based on Inventor Age There’s a streamlined way to speed up utility patent applications based on the inventor’s age. An inventor…
Strict USPTO Rules for Design Patent Drawings The USPTO has strict standards for US design patent drawings. These strict rules govern which views are required…