Vic Lin

Trademark opposition attorney fees: flat fee attorney fee schedule for TTAB oppositions and cancellations

Flat fee attorneys for trademark oppositions or cancellations? My firm, Innovation Capital Law Group, offers flat rate attorney’s fees for IP matters, including a fee schedule…

Do You Need an NDA Before Talking to a Patent Attorney?

Need an NDA to talk to patent attorney? It’s a common question I get from startups, inventors, entrepreneurs and basically anyone starting up a new…

What is PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway)?

What is PPH? PPH stands for Patent Prosecution Highway, a cooperative program between the USPTO and participating foreign patent offices to expedite the allowance of…

Where can I find an IP checklist for startup companies?

What is an IP checklist? An IP checklist helps a startup company to make sure that fundamental IP rights are adequately protected. At a minimum,…

Patent Opposition: How to Challenge a Pending Patent Application

Is there a way to challenge or oppose a patent application? Yes, any third party may file a preissuance submission to oppose a utility nonprovisional…

What are your patent pending rights?

What rights do you have while patent pending? Can a patent filer can stop copycats and would-be infringers while their patent application is pending? The…

What are the foreign filing deadlines for patent applications?

What are patent foreign filing deadlines? A foreign filing deadline refers to a specific date by which an applicant must file a foreign patent application…

How to reply to a patent infringement letter

Have you received a patent infringement cease-and-desist letter? Patent cease-and-desist letters come in various forms. Some patent infringement letters contain aggressive language. Others take a…

Is a new Power of Attorney required to pay a patent maintenance fee?

Is a Power of Attorney required to pay a maintenance fee? If a new patent attorney or law firm plans to pay the maintenance fee…

What is trademark use in commerce? How to File a Trademark Application Based on Actual Use

What is use in commerce? To establish trademark rights in the US, a trademark owner generally must be the first to use a mark in…

Can an Assignee be named the Applicant in a U.S. national stage patent application?

Can an Assignee also be identified as an Applicant in a US national phase application? Yes, if the earliest filing date of the US national…

Patent grace period: Can you patent an invention after showing it?

Can inventions be publicly disclosed prior to filing a US patent application? The US patent system is different from the patent laws of most foreign…

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