Isn’t a cheap provisional patent application better than nothing? Provisional patent applications serve a useful purpose. When written properly, a provisional application can provide valuable…
Before filing a US national stage patent application A PCT application provides several benefits beyond merely delaying the costs of filing individual national stage applications…
Has trademark examination become more inconsistent? Trademarks share a common feature with patents in that a trademark must be different in order to be registered.…
What is an invention funded by the federal government? Certain rules pertain to any private companies or persons seeking to patent a federal government funded…
How do you challenge a granted patent cost-effectively? Not everyone has at least $1,000,000 to spend challenging a patent. With such a sizable budget, you…
What is a PCT prior art search report? Patent examiners review PCT applications in the same way that the USPTO examines utility nonprovisional patent applications.…
Is an international company required to use a US attorney for US trademark applications? Yes, the USPTO requires all international companies (i.e., domiciled in a…
Has your utility patent application been rejected? If your utility patent application has been rejected, welcome to the club. Approximately 90% of utility patent applications…
What is the name of Amazon’s patent infringement program? Amazon’s Neutral Patent Evaluation (NPE) program is their own version of patent court to resolve patent…