Do trademark registrations expire? Trademarks differ from patents in at least one critical way. Patents must expire. Trademark registrations can last indefinitely if they are…
US National Stage Application: The Basics For most international patent applicants, the US is one of the top national phase PCT countries to be considered.…
How long does a trademark registration take? Many variables can prolong the US trademark application process. Generally, the fastest path to a registration would be…
How long is the utility patent application process? The USPTO is notorious for its backlog of examining utility nonprovisional patent applications. First-time utility patent applicants…
Reasons for Procuring US Design Patents Chinese design patent owners will already know the benefits of design patent protection in the US. Unlike US utility patents,…
How to Transfer Patent Ownership Patent ownership starts with the inventors. It is fairly straightforward, however, to transfer ownership to a company. Every patent application…
What is the European Patent Office? Getting a utility patent in Europe a bit different than patenting in other foreign countries. A single utility patent…
What is a Section 112 indefinite rejection? Patent claims must follow certain rigid rules in terms of format and language. For this reason, claims will often…