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How much does PCT national stage cost in foreign countries?

How much are PCT national stage costs in foreign countries? The cost of a PCT national stage application will vary with each country. Several factors…

Top 3 Ways to Defend Patent Infringement Claims

How do you defend a patent infringement claim? Accusations of patent infringement should be taken seriously. Whether they are asserted in the form of cease-and-desist…

How to Patent a Medical Device

What is a smarter way to patent a medical device? Medical device patents can make a direct impact on sales as well as create licensing…

How to Revive a Utility Patent: Renewing a Dead Patent

Can you revive a granted utility patent after failing to pay maintenance fees? Yes, it is possible to revive a granted utility patent where you…

How to Protect and Trademark Your Clothing Brand

How to Register IP for your Clothing Your new clothing brand may have a variety of IP to protect. Let’s look at how you should…

Trade Name: How to Trademark Your Company Name

What is a trade name? A trade name identifies your business. It may be your company’s name or a brand. Commonly, you may find that…

Utility Patent Noninfringement: How to Argue Products Do Not Infringe

What is utility patent infringement? What makes a product noninfringing? When it comes to utility patents, what modifications would help your products avoid infringement? Let’s…

How to Trademark a Logo

How do you register a logo trademark? Need to register a logo trademark? Here is a helpful resource on how to get started in registering…

Unauthorized Sales of Authentic Goods: Not Counterfeit but Trademark Infringement?

When is it OK to sell authentic goods? Ever wonder why certain sales of authentic goods would not constitute trademark infringement? When is it not…

How to Register a Certification Mark

What is a Certification Mark? Ever wonder about certain marks like UL that you find on goods? How do certification marks differ from trademarks? Can…

Amazon Project Zero: What can sellers do about counterfeit goods?

What is Amazon Project Zero? Project Zero is a program by Amazon to curb the sales of counterfeit goods. The goal of the program is…

When is the best time to file a patent?

When should you file a patent application? Apply for a patent now or wait a bit? If not now, when? At what point will it…

How to Take Down Amazon Seller Listings of Copy Products (ASIN)

How to take down Amazon seller listings that copy your products You have invested a great deal of time and money to develop your products.…

How to Use Patents to Increase Sales

Can the right patents help you sell more? At the end of the day, patents must serve your business goals if they are going to…

How to File a European Design Patent (RCD)

Is there a single design patent application that covers the EU? You can file a single European design patent application that covers the EU countries.…
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