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What documents are required for a successful trademark application?

Does a USPTO trademark application require any documents? Back in the old days, trademark applications were filed by mailing paper documents to the USPTO. Nowadays,…

Patented Product or False Marking: How To Know If Your Patent Covers Your Products

How do you know if your product is covered by a patent? It can seem like a given premise that you don’t even bother questioning…

Are You Unsatisfied With Your Current US Patent Agent or IP Law Firm?

What are warning signs that may warrant a change in your US patent agent or law firm? When it comes USPTO patent prosecution, many factors…

Our Firm’s ATTORNEY FEE GUARANTEESM brand of services: Get your Trademark App Allowed or Attorney’s Fees Refunded

Attorney Fee GuaranteeSM Until now, no attorneys or law firms to our knowledge have ever offered a money-back guarantee on trademark filing services. Our firm,…

How to Get Sued for Sending a Cease-and-Desist Letter: Declaratory Judgment

Can you get sued for sending a cease-and-desist letter? Yes, you can get sued for sending a C&D letter. It’s called a declaratory judgment lawsuit.…

Food Patent: How to Protect Unique Foods, Drinks and Manufacturing Processes

How do you patent food? If you love to eat as much as I do, you might think of food as something you would not…

How to Win a Trademark Opposition (TTAB)

How do you win a trademark opposition at the TTAB? Before delving into how to win a trademark opposition, we first need to define victory.…

How to Start Trademark Use

How do you start using a trademark? It’s not easy to come up with a new name or logo. It seems like more than half…

How Cheap Patents Are Irreversible

What is wrong with filing cheap patents? It’s one thing to tell folks that cheap patents can lead to irreversible damage, but it’s quite another…

How to Copyright Product Designs and Shapes

Can you copyright product designs and shapes? In addition to patents and trademarks, copyright registrations can be valuable in protecting certain products. At times, it…

Why Your Trademark Arguments Will Fail: How to Win an Office Action Rejection

Why Certain Trademark Arguments Are Irrelevant Certain trademark arguments are destined to fail. Even when great points are made, they will fall on deaf ears.…

How To Register a Trademark

How do you register a trademark successfully? Anyone can file a trademark application with the USPTO. You might have filed one yourself. The challenge is…

How to Find a Flat Rate Patent Attorney

Should you go with a flat rate patent attorney? Some argue that fixed fee patents do not provide a good value. The argument is that…

Is a Patent Worth Your Money and Time?

Do patents matter? Some say patents are worthless. Don’t even bother, they argue, and focus on selling products instead. Others say patents matter. If patents…

How to Know When to Change Your Patent Lawyer

Do you need to find a new patent lawyer? Existing relationships are sticky. Like glue, we tend to stick to an existing relationship with a…
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