Patent Applications

Everything Foreign Applicants Must Know About US Utility Patents

Can foreign applicants file US utility patent applications? Inventors located outside the US can file US patent applications. Foreign inventors, however, must be careful to…

How does a Terminal Disclaimer work?

What is a terminal disclaimer? Think of a terminal disclaimer as a limit on the term of a patent. This mechanism is used by the…

Difficult Patent Examiner and Repeated Rejections: What Are Your Options?

Are you dealing with a difficult patent examiner? According to this Yale study, about 88% of US utility patent applications will receive a first rejection.…

Late Patent Renewal: How to Get Your Utility Patent Back

Is it too late to reinstate your utility patent? Time is of the essence when it comes to renewing unintentionally expired utility patents. While a…

How to Get Your Patent First When Others Filed Before You

Is it possible to get your patent first before an earlier application is patented? In the old days, the US patent system gave rights to…

Are design patent applications published?

Can you see a pending design patent application? No, US design patent applications are not published. Therefore, the public cannot monitor or search for a…

Quick Path IDS: How do you submit prior art after paying the issue fee?

Can you submit prior art after paying the issue fee? It can be a hassle, but the duty of disclosure in a patent application does…

How to Increase Utility Patent Chances of Success: Track One and PCT Strategies

Is it possible to increase your utility patent chances of success? It is common knowledge that obtaining a US utility patent is a years-long process…

How to Lose Patent Arguments

What are the top losing patent arguments? About 9 out of 10 utility patent applications will receive at least one rejection. Getting a utility patent,…

How to Patent a Consumer Product

Can you patent a consumer product? Consumer products are filled with innovation. Even a slight improvement might make a consumer product worthy of a patent.…

How to Patent a Medical Device

What is a smarter way to patent a medical device? Medical device patents can make a direct impact on sales as well as create licensing…

How to Revive a Utility Patent: Renewing a Dead Patent

Can you revive a granted utility patent after failing to pay maintenance fees? Yes, it is possible to revive a granted utility patent where you…
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