Patent Applications

What is the probability of getting a utility patent?

What is the average utility patent success rate? It is no surprise that utility patents are substantially harder to obtain than design patents. What may…

How much does a patent cost from start to finish?

How much does it cost to get a patent? A one-size-fits-all patent does not exist. Patents vary widely. Design patents, for example, are more predictable…

What is public disclosure?

What is the meaning of public disclosure of an invention? Patents are time-sensitive. Those desiring patent protection do not have the luxury of waiting indefinitely…

What is a patent priority claim?

Why do priority claims matter for patents? Patenting is about winning the race to the Patent Office by applying for a protectable invention before others…

What is an Ex parte Quayle Action?

What is an Ex parte Quayle Office Action? An Ex parte Quayle Office Action, or “Quayle Action” for short, is issued when there are minor…

How does the USPTO get prior art?

How do USPTO patent examiners get prior art? When examining patent applications, USPTO examiners get relevant prior art through two primary means: the patent examiner…

How to Patent a Product or Idea

Should you file a patent application? Before discussing how to patent a product, let’s briefly consider the why question. Give some thought to this fundamental…

Medical Device Patents: Smarter Patenting Strategies

Strategies for Obtaining Medical Device Patents Patenting medical devices can be particularly challenging given the crowded prior art. To be successful, you will need to…

What is a supplemental amendment?

When is a supplemental amendment appropriate? As suggested by its name, a supplemental amendment is an additional reply to a patent Office Action. Supplemental replies…

To file an RCE or not?

When does an RCE matter? RCE stands for Request for Continued Examination. To file an RCE or not to file – this is a question…

What technical invention information should you provide for filing a utility patent app?

What technical invention information should you send to your patent attorney for filing a utility patent application? When you’re ready to move forward with a…

How to read a patent: Utility vs. design patents

How to read a patent While design patents are straightforward, utility patents can be confusing to understand. You have the claims which read like a…

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