Trademark Registration

How to Avoid a Delayed or Suspended Trademark Application

What is a suspended trademark application? Certain circumstances may require that the examination of a trademark application be put on hold. A suspended trademark application…

What do TM and Circle R (®) symbols mean?

What does the TM symbol mean? The TM symbol placed next to a mark is meant to put the public on notice that the owner…

How to Protest a Trademark Application

What is a letter of protest against a trademark application? Third parties may challenge a pending trademark application by submitting a letter of protest to…

How to Oppose a Trademark Application

When is the right time to oppose a trademark application? Before you can oppose a trademark application, the mark must first receive preliminary approval. A…

When is a trademark Power of Attorney required?

What is a trademark Power of Attorney? A trademark Power of Attorney (POA) is required in a trademark application under certain circumstances as discussed below.…

What is an insurance extension request in an Intent-To-Use trademark application?

How does an insurance extension solve a common predicament in ITU trademark applications? In an Intent-To-Use (ITU) trademark application that has been allowed, an applicant…

What is trademark priority?

Trademark Priority: Determining Who Was First Trademark rights in the US generally belong to the one who was first to use the mark in commerce.…

What is trademark abandonment?

What does it mean to abandon a trademark? Trademarks differ from patents in at least one fundamental way. Trademarks require continuous usage. Otherwise, trademark rights…

What is a multi-class trademark application?

Can you file a multi-class trademark application in the US? Yes, the USPTO allows applicants to file a single trademark application covering goods and/or services…

What is trademark fair use?

When is it OK to refer to someone else’s trademark? Trademark law allows for third parties to refer to use terms in certain situations without…

Who is the trademark owner?

Who owns the trademark? It’s not uncommon for first-time trademark applicants to raise questions concerning ownership of the trademark. A trademark owner must be identified…

Likelihood of Confusion: How to Win the Not Similar Argument

What is the purpose of a trademark? A trademark serves to indicate the source of goods or services (for simplicity, I’ll refer to both goods…
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