Trademark Registration

How to Prepare Acceptable Trademark Specimens of Use

What is a trademark specimen of use? In nearly all cases, a trademark must be tied to a particular product or service. Trademarks do not…

Intent-To-Use Trademark Application Problems: What can go wrong?

What are some Intent-To-Use trademark application problems? Intent-To-Use trademark applications are great. You get to file an application to register a trademark that you have…

How to register foreign trademark with non-English wording and non-Latin characters

Trademark with non-English wording or non-Latin characters Can you register a trademark with foreign characters? A US trademark application for foreign wording must contain an…

How to File a US Trademark Application Based On a Foreign Registration – Section 44(e)

What is a foreign registration filing basis? It is possible to file a US trademark application based on a foreign registration for the same mark.…

Can a single trademark application cover multiple trademarks?

Only one mark per application It should come as no surprise that one trademark application can cover only one mark. In other words, you may…

How to Respond to a Trademark Office Action

What is a trademark Office Action? A trademark Office Action is a letter issued by the USPTO examiner reviewing your trademark application. Actually, a USPTO…

Coexistence Agreement: a Cost-Effective Response to a Likelihood of Confusion Refusal?

What is a likelihood of confusion rejection? A rejection on the grounds of likelihood of confusion is basically a refusal to register your mark because…

Foreign trademark protection: Madrid Protocol or direct filing?

Foreign Trademark Registration Options: Madrid Procotol vs. Direct Foreign Filing Trademark rights are territorial. Your US trademark registration does not provide you with rights in…

Trademark Goods or Services: Critical Mistakes That Can Ruin Everything

How do you decide which goods or services to include in a trademark application? Trademarks do not exist in a vacuum. A trademark must always…

What is a trademark Notice of Publication (published for opposition)?

What is a trademark Notice of Publication? A Notice of Publication in a trademark application is good news for the applicant. It means that the…

What is a trademark disclaimer and when do you need it?

What is a trademark disclaimer? Sometimes a trademark may include one or more words regarded as merely descriptive or generic when viewed in connection with…

What is a trademark filing basis?

Use vs. Intent-To-Use A trademark application filed with the USPTO must designate at least one filing basis. For most American applicants, the choice boils down…

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