What are some Intent-To-Use trademark application problems? Intent-To-Use trademark applications are great. You get to file an application to register a trademark that you have…
Trademark with non-English wording or non-Latin characters Can you register a trademark with foreign characters? A US trademark application for foreign wording must contain an…
What is a trademark Office Action? A trademark Office Action is a letter issued by the USPTO examiner reviewing your trademark application. Actually, a USPTO…
What is a likelihood of confusion rejection? A rejection on the grounds of likelihood of confusion is basically a refusal to register your mark because…
Foreign Trademark Registration Options: Madrid Procotol vs. Direct Foreign Filing Trademark rights are territorial. Your US trademark registration does not provide you with rights in…
What is a trademark disclaimer? Sometimes a trademark may include one or more words regarded as merely descriptive or generic when viewed in connection with…
Use vs. Intent-To-Use A trademark application filed with the USPTO must designate at least one filing basis. For most American applicants, the choice boils down…