Trademark Registration

What is trademark use in commerce? How to File a Trademark Application Based on Actual Use

What is use in commerce? To establish trademark rights in the US, a trademark owner generally must be the first to use a mark in…

What is an inherently distinctive trademark?

What is an inherently distinctive trademark? An inherently distinctive trademark is a mark that lacks descriptive wording in relation to your goods or services. It’s…

How to Respond to a Trademark Rejection

What is a trademark rejection? Not all trademark Office Actions are the same. Your application may receive a trademark rejection, or a registration refusal, which…

Word Mark vs. Design Mark: What is a standard character trademark vs. a stylized logo?

What is the difference between a word mark (standard character) and a design mark? When a trademark has words or letters, there are two ways…

TTAB trademark oppositions and cancellations: What to know

Trademark opposition vs. cancellation: What are the differences? Trademark oppositions and cancellations are adversarial proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the…

What is an (ITU) Intent-To-Use Trademark Application? How to File Before Using a Mark

What is an Intent-To-Use application? To register a trademark, you normally have to use the mark. Registration generally requires use in commerce by selling goods…
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