Trademark Registration

What are Supplemental Register pros and cons?

What does a registration on the Supplemental Register mean? Did you know that there are actually two different USPTO registers on which you can obtain…

Over 500 TM Registrations and a 83% Trademark Allowance Rate

What is a Trademark Allowance Rate? With so many options for trademark filing services, how do you compare one trademark service to another? I have…

What is a crowded field of third party registrations?

Has your trademark application received a Section 2(d) likelihood of confusion rejection? So your trademark application has been refused registration on the basis that your…

How to Request a Trademark Extension For Office Action

What is the new deadline to respond to trademark Office Actions? When you’ve practiced trademark law long enough, you take certain things for granted. Things…

What is a house mark?

What does house mark mean? Normally, a trademark is tied to a particular product or service. You don’t register a trademark in a vacuum without…

Incorporate or Trademark First?

Does it matter whether you incorporate or trademark first? Incorporate or trademark first? Does it matter? Actually, it matters a great deal. A proper trademark…

What is a Use-based Trademark Application? How to File Section 1(a) TM App Based on Actual Use

What is a use-based trademark application? A trademark application must always identify whether the mark has already been used on the goods or services. One…

Can you register an acronym trademark?

Can you trademark an acronym? Acronyms are everywhere. They are like code language for those in the know. Even in the intellectual property world, our…

How to Cancel a Trademark Registration

How to Cancel a Registered Trademark As recently as a year ago, this article would have been written quite differently. A trademark cancellation filed with…

What is a common law trademark?

How are trademark rights determined in the US? In the US, trademark rights are generally given to the first one to use a mark. Except…

Trademark application: What is the most important factor in registering a mark?

Focus on What Matters Most In Filing Your Trademark Application For many businesses thinking of registering a trademark, cost is the biggest factor. It is…

How to Trademark in Metaverse: Is it possible to register trademarks for virtual goods?

Is it possible to register a trademark in the metaverse? Times are changing. What may have been unimaginable years ago has become a genuine concern…

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