Trademark Registration

Trademark application rejections: Reasons why and how to respond

Why do trademark applications get rejected? Most trademark applications are not approved on their first go-around according to USPTO trademark statistics. Only 34.4% of TEAS…

Prior-filed Application: How to Deal with Trademark Suspension

What is a prior-filed trademark application? A prior-filed application is someone else’s trademark application with an earlier filing date than yours. If the USPTO trademark…

What we need to file your trademark application

What information do you need to provide for us to file your trademark application? Since we get these questions all the time, we thought it…

Low Tech IP: Design patent and trademark protection

Design patent and trademark protection for low tech products So you’re not in the high tech industry. Is IP out of the question then? You…

Madrid Protocol or direct US trademark application: Which has lower costs and better benefits?

Madrid vs. US direct: Costs & non-monetary considerations International applicants seeking to register their trademark in the US have a couple of options. If the…

Madrid Trademark – US Office Action: How to respond – Section 66(a)

US Office Action in Madrid Protocol Trademark Application Madrid Protocol trademark applications that enter the US through Section 66(a) will often encounter several issues. There…

Trademark timing: When is the right time to trademark a product or company name?

When is the right time to file a trademark application? Trademarks differ from patents in terms of timing. Unlike patent deadlines, there is no strict…

Rejected Trademark Specimens: How to Respond and Submit Proper Specimens of Use

Why do trademark specimens get rejected? Back in the old days when paper trademark applications were filed via snail mail, original specimens of use were…

Do foreign applicants have to use US attorneys for trademark filings?

Can foreign applicants file US trademark applications without a US trademark attorney? Effective August 3, 2019, the USPTO will require all foreign applicants to be…

Can you trademark a person’s name?

Can you trademark a person’s name? You might be able to register a person’s name as a trademark if the name meets certain conditions. Here…

How to Trademark Books, DVDs and Creative Works

What are common problems in registering a trademark on books? Books, DVDs, CDs, films, videos and other media containing creative content are generally considered creative…

No use of trademark before filing application: What are your options?

Do-It-Yourself Trademark Filings There are several DIY and semi-DIY trademark services offering to help applicants file their trademark applications with the USPTO. In many cases,…

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