Trademark Registration

What is a lack of bona fide intent to use?

What is intent to use? To understand what is not an intent to use, let’s first begin with what it is. Intent to use refers…

What is an extension of time to oppose a trademark application?

What is an extension of time to oppose a trademark application? The US trademark legal system allows third parties to oppose the registration of a…

How to Transfer Trademark Ownership: Trademark Assignment

How do you transfer ownership of a trademark? To change the owner of a federal trademark registration or application, a trademark assignment should be signed…

What is a trademark registration basis?

What is a trademark registration basis? A trademark registration basis provides the reason for why your mark should be registered. There are only two bases…

What is a trademark consent agreement?

What is a trademark consent agreement? A trademark consent agreement is a written agreement between two trademark owners stating that their respective marks are not…

When is a trademark primarily merely a surname?

What is a surname trademark? If you are attempting to register a mark that constitutes or includes a surname, there is a significant risk that…

Merely Descriptive Trademark Refusal: How to Win the Mere Descriptiveness Argument

What is a merely descriptive mark? Your trademark application might get rejected for a number of reasons. Near the top of the list of possible…

Why Trademarks Matter to Amazon Sellers

Why do registered trademarks matter to Amazon sellers? Selling products through Amazon in the US can be lucrative if done wisely. One crucial factor in…

Who should sign trademark applications?

Who can sign trademark applications? It can be a bit tricky to determine who can sign trademark applications. Even if one can sign, should they?…

What is a trademark class of goods or services?

What is a USPTO Classification of Goods and Services? A trademark application cannot be filed without identifying specific goods or services. You cannot, for example,…

Can product design (shape) be trademarked or protected?

Can 3D product designs be trademarked? Trademarks are commonly known as names and logos. It may surprise you to learn that 3-dimensional product shapes (aka…

How much is a flat rate trademark application?

What is a flat rate trademark application? Our firm offers fixed fees for filing trademark applications. A flat rate trademark application provides you with some…

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