What is the cost and process for filing a utility nonprovisional patent application?

What do we need to file your utility nonprovisional patent application?

New to utility patents? This is a good place to start. I want to give you a patent attorney’s perspective on drafting a utility patent application. Knowing what the patent attorney is looking for can help you provide more relevant information in an efficient manner. My goal is to demystify the initial filing of a utility nonprovisional patent application. Let’s delve into what it takes to draft a solid utility patent application.

Need to file a utility patent? Call US patent and trademark attorney Vic Lin at (949) 223-9623 or email vlin@icaplaw.com to get a flat rate quote for filing your utility patent application.

Step 1: Help us understand your invention – What makes it different?

As patent attorneys, we want to know the core unique features of your invention. This fact-finding expedition would typically drill down into the nitty-gritty details of those unique features that you care about most. To flesh out the points of novelty in your concept, our firm may send you an Invention Disclosure Form. Background information can be helpful in explaining what has been done in the past.

After reviewing your Invention Disclosure, we may have technical questions. The key is to pinpoint the novel features that would potentially distinguish your invention from what already exists (aka “prior art“). Patent attorneys want to know where to draw the line between the old and new. A patentability search, also known as a novelty search, can be helpful in this regard.

Not all novel features are equally important. With your input, we prioritize unique features based on their significance. For example, if only two out of five potentially novel features are very important, then those top features need to be prioritized above others when it comes to drafting the claims.

Step 2: How We Describe Your Innovation (not the same as claiming it)

Now let’s focus on what goes in a utility patent application. A huge difference exists between the description and the claims so you need to understand this dichotomy. Your patent rights will be defined by the claims, not the description. The purpose of the description is to provide support for the claims. If you are concerned about the description being too detailed, you may be focusing on the wrong thing and misunderstanding the purpose of the description. Do not conflate claims with the description.

Patent practitioners typically think of the disclosure portion of the application as comprising the drawings (aka figures) and the Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments. This is why the description section of a patent application will often seem to include a bunch of gory details that seem largely insignificant. Our goal here is to describe all the features that may possibly be claimed, either now or in the future.

You never know when certain small details, which earlier seemed insignificant, will turn out to be a major distinguishing factor over the prior art. Sometimes, those details can be the absence of something that is typically found in the prior art. By expressly describing even the lack of some otherwise common feature, the description in the application provides ammunition for the patent attorney to use if and when necessary.

Step 3: How We Write Patent Claims

In the claims section of the patent application, you will typically see at least one claim set. A claim set starts with an independent claim followed by dependent claims. Make sure you understand the difference between independent and dependent claims

Our firm usually aims for three claim sets since the USPTO fees cover three independent claims and 20 total claims. Having an excessive number of claims may irk patent examiners.

Keep in mind there is a high probability that your initial claims will undergo amendments as result of being rejected, which is a very high probability. So your final claims, if allowed, will likely be very different than your initial claims.

Step 4: How We Finalize and File Your Utility Nonprovisional Patent Application

In reviewing drafts of the application, the inventors should keep in mind that the claims are in a temporary state and will likely be amended, perhaps several times, over the course of prosecution. While it’s good to understand and approve of the scope of the claims to be filed, the focus should be on the description.  In particular, inventors should make sure that the description is:

  1. accurate (nothing is described incorrectly); and
  2. complete (nothing potentially novel has been left out).

Don’t hesitate to suggest revisions to your patent attorney. Seek feedback on whether your suggested changes make sense. When the final draft of the application is approved, we have the client sign the necessary paperwork, including inventor declarations and, if necessary, a patent assignment to transfer the ownership of the patent application to a company or other entity. While such executed documents are not necessary for the initial filing of the application, you will save late filing fees by having all the signed paperwork upfront.

As soon as the application is filed, the USPTO will instantly provide a filing receipt with the confirmed filing date and an application serial number.

How long does it take to draft and file a utility nonprovisional patent application?

From the date we receive your invention disclosures, it takes approximately 2 weeks for us to prepare the initial draft of your nonprovisional patent application. We will send you the initial draft and invite your comments and suggested edits.

The back-and-forth reviewing and revising process can take an additional week or two. As soon as we receive your comments, we typically send a revised draft in one or two business days. In most cases, we are able to finalize a nonprovisional application with one or two revisions. So expect the overall initial filing process to take one month.

For urgent patent filings, we might be able to expedite the drafting and filing of your utility patent application depending upon our bandwidth. Feel free to contact us if you need to file a patent application promptly.

When can you say patent pending?

You may indicate that a product or service discussed in a patent application is patent pending as soon as the application is filed with the USPTO.

What is the cost to file a utility nonprovisional patent application?

The cost of the initial filing of a nonprovisional utility application can vary widely even within the same firm depending upon the complexity of the subject matter and the length of the application. Our firm offers flat rate estimates for the initial drafting and filing of nonprovisional applications, which can range from $7,500 to over $15,000.

Our initial filing cost does not include responses to Office Action rejections, but we can provide flat rate estimates for such tasks as well. For a more detailed breakdown of initial filing costs, see this post on the cost of filing a nonprovisional patent application.

Keep in mind that the initial filing cost does not include responding to Office Action rejections which will inevitably occur.

Does our cost for filing a patent application include a patent search?

While our initial filing estimates do not include patent searches, you can order a novelty search (aka patentability search) for a flat rate of $1,500. Our patent search results report will take about one week.

If you are concerned about whether your product might infringe other patents, you may want to consider a Freedom-To-Operate (FTO) search, also known as a patent infringement search. Keep in mind that a patent infringement search will cost substantially more than a novelty search.

Are you thinking about filing a patent application?

Email patent attorney Vic Lin at vlin@icaplaw.com or call (949) 223-9623 to discuss how we can help you file your patent application.

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