Focus on What Matters Most In Filing Your Trademark Application For many businesses thinking of registering a trademark, cost is the biggest factor. It is…
Will your patent be rejected? Almost certainly in a nonprovisional utility patent application, you will face rejections. In a design patent application, perhaps not so…
What is a smarter way to respond to multiple Office Actions in your patent application? 90%. That is the probability that your utility nonprovisional patent…
How many patent Office Actions are possible? Unfortunately, there are no limits to how many patent Office Actions (OA) an Examiner can issue. Multiple Office…
What makes for a successful patent Office Action response? When it comes to responding to patent rejections, you have essentially two weapons. First, you can…
What are patent claim amendments? Claim amendments are a natural part of the utility patent process. A typical utility nonprovisional patent application will receive at…
Has your utility patent application been rejected? If your utility patent application has been rejected, welcome to the club. Approximately 90% of utility patent applications…
What is the average utility patent success rate? It is no surprise that utility patents are substantially harder to obtain than design patents. What may…