patent attorney

What is the Amazon APEX patent program?

This is a game changer. Patent owners now have a way to stop infringement without having to spend millions in a federal court lawsuit. The…

How to Lose Patent Arguments

What are the top losing patent arguments? About 9 out of 10 utility patent applications will receive at least one rejection. Getting a utility patent,…

How to Patent a Consumer Product

Can you patent a consumer product? Consumer products are filled with innovation. Even a slight improvement might make a consumer product worthy of a patent.…

Declaratory Judgment: How to Fight a Patent Infringement Claim When Stakes Are High

What is a patent declaratory judgment lawsuit? A patent declaratory judgment action is an infringement lawsuit in reverse. The plaintiff is the accused infringer seeking…

How does patent infringement work?

Does your product infringe a patent? Patent infringement can be tricky, but not incomprehensible. No single article can tell you everything you need to know…

How much does PCT national stage cost in foreign countries?

How much are PCT national stage costs in foreign countries? The cost of a PCT national stage application will vary with each country. Several factors…

Top 3 Ways to Defend Patent Infringement Claims

How do you defend a patent infringement claim? Accusations of patent infringement should be taken seriously. Whether they are asserted in the form of cease-and-desist…

How to Patent a Medical Device

What is a smarter way to patent a medical device? Medical device patents can make a direct impact on sales as well as create licensing…

How to Revive a Utility Patent: Renewing a Dead Patent

Can you revive a granted utility patent after failing to pay maintenance fees? Yes, it is possible to revive a granted utility patent where you…

How to Protect and Trademark Your Clothing Brand

How to Register IP for your Clothing Your new clothing brand may have a variety of IP to protect. Let’s look at how you should…

Utility Patent Noninfringement: How to Argue Products Do Not Infringe

What is utility patent infringement? What makes a product noninfringing? When it comes to utility patents, what modifications would help your products avoid infringement? Let’s…

Unauthorized Sales of Authentic Goods: Not Counterfeit but Trademark Infringement?

When is it OK to sell authentic goods? Ever wonder why certain sales of authentic goods would not constitute trademark infringement? When is it not…

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