trademark application

How to Respond to a Notice of Opposition to Your Trademark Application

What is a Notice of Opposition to your trademark application? When your trademark application is approved by the USPTO, it will be published for opposition.…

What is a Use-based Trademark Application? How to File Section 1(a) TM App Based on Actual Use

What is a use-based trademark application? As opposed to an Intent-To-Use application, a use-based trademark application covers a mark that is being used on the…

TTAB Trademark Opposition: What You Should Know

Should you file a trademark opposition? A trademark application is close to the finish line. A few more days left in the publication period, and…

Trademark application: What is the most important factor in registering a mark?

Focus on What Matters Most In Filing Your Trademark Application For many businesses thinking of registering a trademark, cost is the biggest factor. It is…

How to File a Smarter Trademark Response to an Office Action

What are smarter ways to respond to trademark Office Actions? Though you hate to see them, Office Actions are fairly common in USPTO trademark applications.…

How to Trademark a Logo: Can you register a design mark similar to a word mark?

How does a design mark application compare to a word mark registration? To register a trademark without regard to style, a trademark application may typically…

How to Match Specimens of Use with Your Applied-for Trademark

What exactly is the applied-for mark in your trademark application or registration? One of the most common errors in a trademark application is a mismatch…

What is a failure to function as a trademark refusal?

What is a refusal based on a failure to function as a trademark? A certain type of trademark rejection seems to be occurring more frequently:…

What are confusable trademarks and examples of non-confusable trademarks?

What does confusable mean? To be registrable, a mark must not have a likelihood of confusion with any registered trademarks. In other words, an applied-for…

USPTO Consistency Initiative: What can you do about inconsistent trademark examination?

Has trademark examination become more inconsistent? Trademarks share a common feature with patents in that a trademark must be different in order to be registered.…

Why Does An Earlier Trademark Filing Date Matter?

Why does an early trademark filing date matter? Why would it matter to be the first to file your trademark application with the USPTO? US…

What is a design mark application?

What is a design mark application? If you were asked to conjure up the first trademark that comes to mind, what would you see? A…

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