trademark application

What are the new trademark filing rules for 2020?

What are the new USPTO trademark filing rules in 2020? Starting Feb. 15, 2020, certain mandatory requirements for trademark filings will take effect. These changes…

Should you apply for a trademark in color?

What is a color claim in trademark application? Color is an issue only when dealing with design marks, such as logos, that have elements of…

What is acquired distinctiveness (secondary meaning)?

What is a trademark with acquired distinctiveness? Some trademarks are inherently distinctive from the start. Inherently distinctive marks generally include marks that are arbitrary, fanciful…

Trademark Strategy: 5 Steps to Optimize Chances of Successful Registration

What is a trademark strategy that will improve the chances of registering your mark? A successful trademark registration will depend a great deal upon the…

How many TTAB cases reach final decisions?

How many TTAB oppositions and cancellations reach final decisions? At the outset, let me clarify that this post contains rough estimates of final decisions in…

What we need to file your trademark application

What information do you need to provide for us to file your trademark application? Since we get these questions all the time, we thought it…

How Startups Should File Trademark Applications

When your startup company name is also the trademark for your product Before incorporating, it is best to search the USPTO trademark database for your…

What do TM and Circle R (®) symbols mean?

What does the TM symbol mean? The TM symbol placed next to a mark is meant to put the public on notice that the owner…

What is an insurance extension request in an Intent-To-Use trademark application?

Why would you need an insurance extension? In an Intent-To-Use (ITU) trademark application that has been allowed, an applicant will have a deadline to submit…

What is a Statement of Use (SOU)? How to Show Use of an ITU Trademark Application

What is a Statement of Use? An Intent-To-Use (ITU) trademark application does not require any evidence of trademark use at the initial filing. In fact,…

What is a trademark Notice of Publication (published for opposition)?

What is a trademark Notice of Publication? A Notice of Publication in a trademark application is good news for the applicant. It means that the…

What is a trademark disclaimer and when do you need it?

What is a trademark disclaimer? Sometimes a trademark may include one or more words regarded as merely descriptive or generic when viewed in connection with…

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