How does a design mark application compare to a word mark registration? To register a trademark without regard to style, a trademark application may typically…
What does confusable mean? To be registrable, a mark must not have a likelihood of confusion with any registered trademarks. In other words, an applied-for…
What comes first: filing trademark or launching product? The US trademark registration system is different from the rest of the world. With a few exceptions,…
What are the new USPTO trademark filing rules in 2020? Starting Feb. 15, 2020, certain mandatory requirements for trademark filings will take effect. These changes…
What is a trademark audit? The USPTO has recently started a process to audit the maintenance or renewals of trademark registrations, called the Trademark Post…
What is a trademark with acquired distinctiveness? Some trademarks are inherently distinctive from the start. Inherently distinctive marks generally include marks that are arbitrary, fanciful…
What is a trademark strategy that will improve the chances of registering your mark? A successful trademark registration will depend a great deal upon the…