trademark registration

How to Trademark a Logo: Can you register a design mark similar to a word mark?

How does a design mark application compare to a word mark registration? To register a trademark without regard to style, a trademark application may typically…

What are confusable trademarks and examples of non-confusable trademarks?

What does confusable mean? To be registrable, a mark must not have a likelihood of confusion with any registered trademarks. In other words, an applied-for…

What is the delay defense (laches) in a TTAB trademark cancellation?

What is laches? Laches is a fancy legal term meaning delay. If there has been delay in filing a TTAB trademark cancellation, laches might be…

How to Choose a Trademark

What will be the name of your product? Choosing a trademark for your product can be more challenging than it seems. You may have already…

What is a generic mark?

What is a generic mark? A generic mark is a word understood by the public as the common term for a product or service. For…

Can you trademark before launching product?

What comes first: filing trademark or launching product? The US trademark registration system is different from the rest of the world. With a few exceptions,…

Are many goods or services in a US trademark application OK?

Can you have too many goods or services in a US trademark application? Most foreign countries do not require use of the trademark for registration.…

What are the new trademark filing rules for 2020?

What are the new USPTO trademark filing rules in 2020? Starting Feb. 15, 2020, certain mandatory requirements for trademark filings will take effect. These changes…

Should you apply for a trademark in color?

What is a color claim in trademark application? Color is an issue only when dealing with design marks, such as logos, that have elements of…

What is a trademark audit?

What is a trademark audit? The USPTO has recently started a process to audit the maintenance or renewals of trademark registrations, called the Trademark Post…

What is acquired distinctiveness (secondary meaning)?

What is a trademark with acquired distinctiveness? Some trademarks are inherently distinctive from the start. Inherently distinctive marks generally include marks that are arbitrary, fanciful…

Trademark Strategy: 5 Steps to Optimize Chances of Successful Registration

What is a trademark strategy that will improve the chances of registering your mark? A successful trademark registration will depend a great deal upon the…

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