trademark registration

Why not register your trademark?

Why not register your trademark? There may be valid reasons for not registering your trademark, but the legal cost should not be one of them.…

How many TTAB cases reach final decisions?

How many TTAB oppositions and cancellations reach final decisions? At the outset, let me clarify that this post contains rough estimates of final decisions in…

Low Tech IP: Design patent and trademark protection

Design patent and trademark protection for low tech products So you’re not in the high tech industry. Is IP out of the question then? You…

Trademark timing: When is the right time to trademark a product or company name?

When is the right time to file a trademark application? Trademarks differ from patents in terms of timing. Unlike patent deadlines, there is no strict…

How to Trademark Books, DVDs and Creative Works

What are common problems in registering a trademark on books? Books, DVDs, CDs, films, videos and other media containing creative content are generally considered creative…

How to Transfer Trademark Ownership: Trademark Assignment

How do you transfer ownership of a trademark? To change the owner of a federal trademark registration or application, a trademark assignment should be signed…

What is a trademark registration basis?

What is a trademark registration basis? A trademark registration basis provides the reason for why your mark should be registered. There are only two bases…

How Startups Should File Trademark Applications

When your startup company name is also the trademark for your product Before incorporating, it is best to search the USPTO trademark database for your…

When is a trademark primarily merely a surname?

What is a surname trademark? If you are attempting to register a mark that constitutes or includes a surname, there is a significant risk that…

Merely Descriptive Trademark Refusal: How to Win the Mere Descriptiveness Argument

What is a merely descriptive mark? Your trademark application might get rejected for a number of reasons. Near the top of the list of possible…

Why Trademarks Matter to Amazon Sellers

Why do registered trademarks matter to Amazon sellers? Selling products through Amazon in the US can be lucrative if done wisely. One crucial factor in…

Can product design (shape) be trademarked or protected?

Can 3D product designs be trademarked? Trademarks are commonly known as names and logos. It may surprise you to learn that 3-dimensional product shapes (aka…

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