trademark registration

When does a trademark registration expire?

Do trademark registrations expire? Trademarks differ from patents in at least one critical way. Patents must expire. Trademark registrations can last indefinitely if they are…

How long does it take to register a trademark?

How long does a trademark registration take? Many variables can prolong the US trademark application process. Generally, the fastest path to a registration would be…

Trademark Office Action: What a Successful Refusal Argument Looks Like

What is a trademark Office Action? When you apply to register a trademark with the USPTO, your trademark application will be assigned to a trademark…

How To Register Your Trademark: Filing Trademark Application Process and Cost

USPTO Trademark Application Process: What are the most important factors? Time and money. These are the two crucial factors in the trademark application process. How…

How to Prepare Acceptable Trademark Specimens of Use

What is a trademark specimen of use? In nearly all cases, a trademark must be tied to a particular product or service. Trademarks do not…

Trademark Goods or Services: Critical Mistakes That Can Ruin Everything

How do you decide which goods or services to include in a trademark application? Trademarks do not exist in a vacuum. A trademark must always…

What happens when your trademark in use is different than the mark in your registration or application?

Does your mark in use match your applied-for or registered mark? Trademark use and registration are two different issues. In an ideal world, your trademark…

What is trademark use in commerce?

What is use in commerce? To establish trademark rights in the US, a trademark owner generally must be the first to use a mark in…

What is an inherently distinctive trademark?

What is an inherently distinctive trademark? An inherently distinctive trademark is a mark that lacks descriptive wording in relation to your goods or services. It’s…

How to Respond to a Trademark Rejection

What is a trademark rejection? Not all trademark Office Actions are the same. Your application may receive a trademark rejection, or a registration refusal, which…

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