
How to Handle a Trademark Rejection: File a Design Patent Instead?

Rejected Trademark Application? Get a Design Patent Instead The path to registering a trademark can be strewn with landmines. When your trademark application faces difficult…

How To Register a Trademark

How do you register a trademark successfully? Anyone can file a trademark application with the USPTO. You might have filed one yourself. The challenge is…

No More Paper Patents: Why Electronic Grant Matters to You

The Old Days: Paper Patent Certificates It was only a matter of time. For those who prefer having physical originals, say goodbye to paper patent…

What is patent prosecution?

What does patent prosecution mean? Patent prosecution refers to the writing, filing and handling of patent applications. It encompasses the patent examination process from initial…

PCT Receiving Office (RO): When a PCT application cannot be filed with the USPTO

What is a PCT Receiving Office (RO)? In order to file a PCT application, a Receiving Office (RO) must be selected. For most US practitioners,…

US National Phase Strategy: What is a smarter way to enter the US national stage?

How to prepare for a US national phase application Almost every PCT application is filed with the US national phase in mind. Even if a…

What are USPTO trademark sanctions?

What can cause the USPTO to issue trademark sanctions? Imagine investing the time and expense of filing a US trademark application only to have it…

USPTO Consistency Initiative: What can you do about inconsistent trademark examination?

Has trademark examination become more inconsistent? Trademarks share a common feature with patents in that a trademark must be different in order to be registered.…

Why Does An Earlier Trademark Filing Date Matter?

Why does an early trademark filing date matter? Why would it matter to be the first to file your trademark application with the USPTO? US…

What a USPTO patent examiner really thinks

Thinking like a patent examiner We are privileged to have a former USPTO patent examiner, Lyman Smith, as Of Counsel patent attorney to our firm.…

Are many goods or services in a US trademark application OK?

Can you have too many goods or services in a US trademark application? Most foreign countries do not require use of the trademark for registration.…

What are the new trademark filing rules for 2020?

What are the new USPTO trademark filing rules in 2020? Starting Feb. 15, 2020, certain mandatory requirements for trademark filings will take effect. These changes…

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