utility patent

Everything Foreign Applicants Must Know About US Utility Patents

Can foreign applicants file US utility patent applications? Inventors located outside the US can file US patent applications. Foreign inventors, however, must be careful to…

How does a Terminal Disclaimer work?

What is a terminal disclaimer? Think of a terminal disclaimer as a limit on the term of a patent. This mechanism is used by the…

China Manufacturer Claims No Patents: Should you sell their products?

Why would foreign manufacturers promise that no patents cover their products? It is always wise to recognize the biases and incentives of a potential business…

How to Increase Utility Patent Chances of Success: Track One and PCT Strategies

Is it possible to increase your utility patent chances of success? It is common knowledge that obtaining a US utility patent is a years-long process…

How to Patent a Consumer Product

Can you patent a consumer product? Consumer products are filled with innovation. Even a slight improvement might make a consumer product worthy of a patent.…

How does patent infringement work?

Does your product infringe a patent? Patent infringement can be tricky, but not incomprehensible. No single article can tell you everything you need to know…

How to Patent a Medical Device

What is a smarter way to patent a medical device? Medical device patents can make a direct impact on sales as well as create licensing…

Food Patent: How to Protect Unique Foods, Drinks and Manufacturing Processes

How do you patent food? If you love to eat as much as I do, you might think of food as something you would not…

How Cheap Patents Are Irreversible

What is wrong with filing cheap patents? It’s one thing to tell folks that cheap patents can lead to irreversible damage, but it’s quite another…

Is a Patent Worth Your Money and Time?

Do patents matter? Some say patents are worthless. Don’t even bother, they argue, and focus on selling products instead. Others say patents matter. If patents…

Provisional Patent Application: How to Write a PPA

What is the purpose of a provisional patent application? To know how to write a provisional patent application (PPA) well, you must first understand its…

Amazon APEX: How to Enforce Utility Patents Against Amazon Sellers

What is Amazon APEX? Amazon sellers now have another avenue for enforcing utility patents. APEX stands for Amazon Patent Evaluation eXpress. As implied in its…
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